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Once Forbidden (The Hunted Series - 1) ((Book One)) Read online

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  He didn’t prolong his lovemaking; he drove her ruthlessly to climax, driving into her deeply with each powerful stroke. Her legs wrapped around him tighter and still he thrust, making her take all of him. “Yes!” he said on a groan as he felt her clench around him, her climaxing shudders sending him over his own edge.

  When it was over, her head rested weakly on his shoulder. He continued to hold her, not quite ready to let her go. “This is what you want, Sarah. Admit it to yourself if not to me.”

  She looked up at him, her gaze steady. “Yes, this is what I want,” she admitted, her voice raw.

  His eyes sharpened. “What exactly is it you’re agreeing to, Sarah? Do you want me to change you? Do you want me to give you a new life?”

  He waited tensely for her answer, reading her eyes carefully.


  Chapter Four

  “I’m afraid, Devlin,” she said at last, lowering her eyes.

  Devlin made a sound low in his throat that could have been a growl or a curse, but his voice was gentle when he spoke. “Tell me what you’re afraid of, love. I don’t think you’re afraid of me. I would never cause you harm.”

  Sarah’s head snapped up quickly and she shook her head instantly. “Of course I’m not afraid of you, Devlin. I know you won’t hurt me.”

  Devin relaxed and continued to watch her. “Then tell me what it is you’re afraid of, Sarah. I can’t help if you don’t tell me.” He withdrew from her, but kept his hands on her shoulders.

  “I’m afraid that I’d miss being human. I just can’t decide. Can’t you give me some time, Devlin? Must I decide right now?”

  Devlin bit back his impatience. Although there was no reason to wait as far as he could see, there obviously was to Sarah. “No, you don’t have to decide right now, Sarah. But I still want you to spend the day with me. Will you go away with me today?”

  “Where?” she asked again.

  “Australia, just like I said.”

  Her blue eyes widened. “Australia? You can get us to Australia?”

  Devlin chuckled. “In the blink of an eye. We can go see the Opera House. Of course, it won’t be open, but we can walk along the water if you’d like.”

  “I’d like,” she said with a bright smile. “Would I be able to do that? Just want to go and be there?”

  Devlin nodded. “I’d teach you, Sarah. I’d teach you all that you’d need to know,” he promised very seriously.

  Sarah looked at him, considering, and sighed. “I just can’t decide,” she repeated softly, sadly.

  “Then don’t decide right now. For now, we’ll just enjoy our time together.” He moved back so she could get out of the small shower stall, and gave her a light swat on the bottom on her way out. “Get dressed and we’ll go.”

  Sarah looked over her shoulder with widened eyes. “Did you really just smack me?”

  His answering grin was wicked. He swatted her again with just a tad more purpose. “Yes.”

  Sarah giggled. “Just checking.”

  Hell, she’d liked it, Devlin mused. Devlin put that little tidbit of information away for later use. “Hurry, love. Get dressed.”

  Sarah nodded and grabbed a towel from the rack. Devlin took it from her fingers and started to dry her off. His mouth literally watered as he watched the droplets of water slide down her shoulder. Unable to stop himself, he ran his finger up her shoulder blade and captured the droplet. Such impossibly soft skin, he mused. Her back wasn’t scarred. The skin here was soft and undamaged.

  He felt her shudder and smiled to himself. In this, even without his ability to control her with his mind, he had a power over her. Sarah loved the feel of his hands on her. How easy it would be for him to simply take the choice from her—to simply compel her to let him change her—he could make her think it was even her idea. He moved his hand down, letting the towel slip so his fingers caressed her back, and he paused at the small dimple at the base of her spine. Hell, she had as much power over him. If he didn’t stop, they’d never make it out of the bathroom before dark!

  He handed the towel back to her abruptly. “Go into the other room and get ready,” he said huskily. Touching her was too big a temptation. A big part of him wanted to drag her back into the shower and make love to her again. “Go now.”

  Sarah saw the look of desire on his face. “But—“

  He pushed her toward the door. “Go!” he ordered.

  Sarah laughed and sauntered out of the bathroom, wiggling her bottom, careful to shut the door so she didn’t let any light into the small bathroom.

  Devlin muttered about minxes as he picked up another towel and dried off, and he quickly dressed again. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that she’d be happy with him if she’d let herself. It was more than obvious to him that she was a perfect match for him in every way.

  Everything about Sarah made him want her.

  Her lovemaking was innocent and wanton at the same time. Devlin had never met a woman—vampire or human—that had met his passion with such an intriguing mix of innocence and unhidden need.

  Devlin respected her valor. Not many women would run not once—but twice—into a burning building. She would be a loyal mate, he knew.

  Devlin was by nature dominant. While he had no doubt that Sarah would stand up for herself, he sensed that she was likely submissive by nature. That pleased him beyond measure. Contrary to popular belief—even among his own kind—submissive women weren’t weak women.

  No, there was nothing weak about his Sarah.


  She was his. It was as simple and complicated as that.

  Still, when it was all said and done, it was still forbidden to change a human. Devlin knew that Carina wouldn’t cause him any problems if he changed Sarah—but the other Elders could, though that wasn’t his biggest concern—the Hunters were.

  Somehow, he’d have to devise a way to protect her from them.

  But—at the end of it all—she was his and even if she decided that she couldn’t accept being a vampire, he’d stay with her. It would hurt him to watch her grow old and die—but he wasn’t leaving her.

  Already he’d broken his own rules. He’d invaded her dreams.

  He’d made contact with her.

  If he changed her, he’d bring down the wrath of the Hunters and possibly the Elders—despite Carina knowing how he felt.

  Devlin sighed and clenched his jaw.

  None of it mattered as long as she was safe and happy.

  She was his.

  Chapter Five



  Devin sighed impatiently and loudly. “Are you ready yet?”

  Sarah laughed. “Almost.” She’d kept him waiting for ten minutes, knowing that by now he’d be getting ready to climb the walls. “I’m hurrying,” she fibbed.

  She felt light and free today. Her reflection didn’t return scars when she put on her makeup. She felt alive for the first time in months.


  “Yes?” she purred.

  “Would you like to know what I’m going to do if you’re not in here and ready to go in the next two minutes?” he asked in a conversational tone.

  Sarah had been about to pick up her sweater off the chair, but she paused. Something in that tone…”Umm…yes.”

  “First, I’m going to take all your clothes off,” Devlin began.

  Sarah felt heat move up her face. Well, that certainly didn’t worry her! In fact, it sounded rather pleasant! “Okay,” she said trying not to giggle.

  “Second, I’m going to pull you across my knee and spank your cute little ass,” he promised, his voice a deep growl now.

  Sarah gulped and hurriedly grabbed her sweater and purse and ran into the bathroom. She didn’t think for a minute that he’d ever actually do such a thing, but decided maybe it was better if she didn’t take the chance. “I hurried!” she assured him as she shut the bathroom door.

  Devlin narrowed his eye
s. “You didn’t wait to hear what I was going to do third,” he said, lowering his head and giving her a deep kiss.

  Sarah twined her fingers in his hair and held him against her, loving the feel of his lips on her own. The man could kiss. He nipped on her lower lip and she groaned as he deepened the kiss, driving his tongue deep inside. When he finally lifted his head, they were both breathing hard. “What were you going to do third?” she asked, her voice breathless.

  “I was going to lean you over the vanity,” he said huskily, “and slide deep inside you.”

  Sarah was instantly aroused. Not in a hundred years would she have ever believed that she’d get turned on by the idea of being spanked and then made love to afterward—but right then, she wished she’d taken her time coming back into the bathroom! “Oh.”

  There was such a wealth of disappointment in her single word that Devlin laughed. Devlin took her small hands into his and backed to the vanity. He stopped when his legs hit the bench. He released one of her hands and pulled the bench out, and then sat down and tugged her down onto his lap. “Disappointed?”

  Sarah looked at him very seriously for a moment, and decided to be honest with him. “A little.”

  “You know I’d never hurt you, don’t you Sarah?” he said.

  Sarah nodded. It felt good, sitting here on his lap. She’d never done this before. She felt safe sitting here with his arms wrapped around her. Of its own accord, her hand moved up to his face. “I know.”

  “Stand up a minute, Sarah,” he ordered gently.

  Sarah looked at him, a question in her eyes, but she stood before him. Was he really going to actually spank her? Her heart beat a little faster. Something else she’d read about in books. But was it something she really wanted to experience first hand?

  Devlin smiled. “Trust me.” He pulled her over his lap very gently. His hand moved to her skirt and he edged it up very slowly, his fingers caressing each inch of skin as it was exposed. When it was at her waist, he rested his hand on her bottom. She’d worn a thong, and her white skin was soft against his hand.

  Sarah felt a surge of desire as his hand rested on her cool bottom. She tensed, waiting to see what he was going to do now. She closed her eyes tightly. It was an embarrassing position, but exciting in a way, too. In the next instant, she felt the gentlest of smacks against the soft flesh of her bottom and she released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in a little whoosh. “Oh.”

  “Sometimes good girls get spanked, Sarah,” Devlin said, a smile in his voice. He continued to spank her gently, his hand raising and falling on the resilient flesh of her bottom.

  Sarah wiggled against his thighs, getting more and more turned on by the second. “Please,” she whispered.

  “What?” he said, pausing.

  “I don’t know!” Sarah said. She needed something, but she had no idea what.

  Devlin smiled. He started spanking again, but he let his hand wander between her thighs, moving the edge of the panties aside to finger her, moving in and out of her with thrusts of his fingers between spanks.

  Within a few moments of the dual sensations, Sarah felt a climax building and groaned as he started to spank a little harder and the fingers thrust a little faster and deeper. Just when she was on the edge of her release, though, he stopped. She jerked her head around and looked at him.

  “Stand up,” he said, his voice guttural.

  Sarah got to her feet shakily. Her bottom was warm, but she was hot. She wanted him, and she wanted him now. She looked at him—needed him. “Please.”

  Devlin got to his feet quickly and unbuckled his belt and lowered his jeans and boxers. He moved Sarah to the vanity and leaned her over it. He lowered her thong. “Hang on,” he said, and drove inside her in one deep, powerful stroke.

  Sarah lifted her head and could see herself in the mirror. Of course, she couldn’t see him, but it was obvious she was being loved—and thoroughly. Her pupils were dilated and her cheeks were flushed. Her body jerked with each powerful thrust of his hips, and she could feel his fingers biting into her hips as he held her. “Yes,” she moaned. “Harder.”

  Devlin groaned deep in his throat and held her tighter and moved faster and harder into her.

  It was over in only a few moments and Sarah slumped against the vanity, exhausted. “That was…something.”

  Devlin chuckled and caressed her bottom possessively. The skin was barely pink. He lowered his head and kissed each cheek. “Remember, that was a good girl spanking, love.”

  Sarah giggled and garnered enough energy to turn her head and looked at him. “And there is more than one kind of spanking?”

  “Oh yes,” he assured her. “Naughty girls get an entirely different kind of spanking.”

  Sarah flushed. “I can’t believe I let you do that,” she admitted more to herself than to him.

  Devlin helped her stand straight and turned her around in his arms. “Did you enjoy it?” he asked knowingly.

  “You know I did,” she said, flushing.

  Devlin grew very serious. “Sarah, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. What two do together as long as they both enjoy it is never wrong—as long as no one is hurt. It was something different that we both enjoyed. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Sarah was still blushing, but she gave him a shy smile and nodded, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “Are you ready to go to the land Down Under?” he asked.

  Sarah paused a moment. “But what about….” Her hands moved to her face.

  Devlin shook his head and placed a finger over her lips. “Everyone will see you as you see yourself,” he said quietly. Even if he hadn’t been able to read her mind when he wanted to, he’d have been able to read the concern on her face. He couldn’t keep up the illusion when he wasn’t with her, but as long as they were close, those around her would see what she saw. It was draining, but it was what she needed.

  Humans could be the cruelest creatures of all—the inhumanity they showed to their fellow man never ceased to amaze him. This woman, this valiant woman that had risked her very life for one of their children—was shunned now. It filled him with rage anew.

  Sarah felt his muscles tighten beneath her fingers and her gaze lowered. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “For what, love?” he asked gently, keeping his voice soft.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “For whatever I did to make you angry.”

  If she didn’t look so hurt, he’d have been almost tempted to chuckle. Already she could sense his feelings. “Right emotion—wrong reason, Sarah. You did nothing wrong. I was thinking if you must know, about the people that have hurt you—the people that put that look into your beautiful eyes.”

  “I understand why they look at me the way they do, Devlin. I know I scare them and make them uncomfortable.”

  Devlin bit back a sharp retort and touched her ruined cheek. “They should see the woman I see,” he said huskily.

  Her answering smile was beautiful. “I think you’re very good for me.”

  Devlin grinned. “I think if we don’t leave here very soon we will still be here when the sun rises in Australia,” he teased. Devlin bent down and picked up her panties and held them out to her. “Forget something?”

  Sarah reached for them, but he held them high out of her reach. “Give them to me!”

  Devlin shook his head, his eyes gleaming. “I think I’ll keep them.”

  Sarah gave him a sharp look. “I’m not leaving this bathroom with no underwear on!”

  “Care to make a wager on that?” Devlin asked.

  Chapter Six

  Before Sarah could even argue with him, in the mere blink of an eye, they were out of the small confines of her bathroom and standing on the street outside of the Sydney Opera House. Sarah stood staring, transfixed at the sight.

  She was slightly disoriented by the instantaneous travel and her legs shook. She leaned against Devlin for support.

  Devlin chuckled and wrapped his arm around her, steadying her. “You lose the bet.” When she only nodded, he held her tighter. “Give it a minute, love. The disorientation will subside in a few moments.”

  “Would I be able to do this?” she asked very carefully. She stood very still, staring at one of the most beautiful landmarks she’d ever seen. One she’d always promised herself she’d see one day.

  Devlin started to answer her, but then froze, listening. He moved in front of her, using his excellent vision to see what danger he’d sensed. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Few people were around at this late hour. Still; there was danger. He was sure of it. “We must go, Sarah,” he said quietly.

  Sarah tensed, sensing his urgency. “Something’s wrong.”

  His head nodded once. In the next instant, they were back safely in her small bathroom.

  Sarah’s head was spinning from the transportation. Certainly someone had seen them appear and disappear like that? “Devlin, what was it?”

  “I don’t know, Sarah. I sensed danger. Someone was watching us—I wasn’t going to risk you by sticking around and finding out whom or what they might have wanted,” he explained.

  Sarah paled. “Is this something else I’d have to look forward to?” she asked tightly. Her head was still spinning and her heart was racing. She backed away from him, searching his face.

  Devlin ran his hand through his hair in a rare show if exasperation. “No,” he said, keeping his voice level. “I’ve never sensed it before. I thought it better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Surely someone saw us appear and disappear.”

  He shook his head. “No, I always plan for that. The people around us simply think we walked away.”

  Her head was reeling. She needed to sit down. Now. Stumbling, she sat on the vanity bench. “I just don’t understand any of this. Were we somehow followed? Do you have an enemy?”